WordPress Hosting Reviews!
Ultimate destination for Best & Affordable WordPress Hosting.
At WP Hosting Reviews we review top WordPress Hosts & also recommend best tools to run a successful WordPress blog or website.
WordPress Hosting FAQ:
What is WordPress Hosting?
WordPress Hosting is a web hosting service which meets the minimum recommended server requirements to run a WordPress blog/website or a Woo Commerce online store. Such hosting services offer easy installation of WordPress core, auto updates, daily backups and on demand restore etc.
WordPress needs a specific environment to work properly on any hosting server. Currently the suggested configuration to run a WordPress installation are as given below:
1. PHP version 7.4 or greater.
2. MySQL version 5.6 or greater OR MariaDB version 10.1 or greater.
3. HTTPS support
The latest requirements are always given on this page.
It is highly recommended to check the technical details(..like SSL support, PHP & SQL version etc.) of the web host server offered by hosting provider before purchasing any hosting package.
WP Hosting is a shortened form derived by us for “WordPress Hosting”. Wherever you find the term WP Hosting on our website you can easily refer it to the meaning mentioned in last sentence.
What is the difference between shared and managed WordPress hosting?
Shared web hosting platform supports several other applications along with WordPress. They cater multiple users on the same server having mixed type of usage. This often leads to slower performance and frequent outages.
In easy to understand words, the shared hosting is a crowded place where we have many fellows sailing together in the same boat.
On the other hand, Managed WordPress Hosting delivers best suitable server environment to run a WordPress blog or website. They are considered more secure, fast and safer compared to shared hosting.
Managed hosting is slightly different from the popular shared web hosting services. Managed WordPress hosting is optimized to host WordPress blogs and websites to give best results with WordPress. Mostly they don’t support any other application apart from WordPress on their servers.
Managed WP Hosting companies offer one-click-installs, easy site migrations, staging site (Clone of your live site), managed backups, automatic core upgrades, plugin and theme updates. They also do regular security scans to ensure the best up time and security.
Most of the hosting companies, irrespective of their size supports WordPress these days. But few chosen ones are only hosting WordPress Sites for performance reasons.
Which WordPress Hosting is suitable for a beginner?
New WordPress enthusiasts can opt for basic plan of any reputed hosting company while starting up. The recommended ones for beginners are Bluehost, HostGator, Hostinger. They all have decent plans to start with WordPress.
You always would have an option to scale up in case your website/blog’s traffic grows in future. Either you can go for a higher plan with your existing host or you can migrate to a managed WordPress Hosting service.
Do I really need Managed WordPress Hosting?
For high performance, speed & security one should opt for managed WordPress hosting. They also take care of automatic updates of WordPress core, WordPress Themes & plugins on your blog or website. Managed WP Hosting generally secures your blog against DDoS attacks and hacking attempts. Regular backups is another advantage in case you need to restore the last working version. Assisted migration of your blog from other hosting companies is an additional feature.
Few suggested ones are:
• WPEngine
• Kinsta
• WPXHosting
• WordPress.Com
Who are the Top 10 WordPress Hosting Companies?
We have curated the list of Top 10 WordPress hosting companies to share our thoughts. Remember, it is a tough job to pick the best 10 among thousands of great web hosting companies. We have compiled this list after doing several tests, personal experience and user feedback.
Still we want to make it a point here that this is not an exhaustive list. There are strong chances that our list does not match with your expected list of Top 10 WP Hosting.
Is there any FREE WordPress Hosting available?
There are few web hosting companies who provides free hosting plans to host your WordPress blog.
But they have one or another limitations and riders, either they are free trial hosting plans for a week or so otherwise they are ad-supported (an invite to malware, Trojans etc.). You can read more about them by clicking here.
Does Hosting Service impact my blog’s search engine ranking (SEO)?
Yes, server response time (Website Speed) is a popular metric affecting SEO. A fast and securely hosted blog will get a suitable place in search indexes. The page load delays often push your website few notches below others in the search result.
A bad host can affect your creative time due to frequent down times. You will end up wasting a lot of time resolving technical issues with the host. There should be total peace of mind from hosting side, then only you can focus on content creation, social media marketing or SEO.
It is advised that we look at speed factor even if it is costing us slightly high.
How to choose the best WordPress Hosting?
The perfect method to select the most suitable WordPress Hosting actually does not exist. The suggested way is to list down our requirement, compare various hosting providers and make the decision with a mix of security, customer support, ease of use and lastly pricing factors.
You can deep dive in to various aspects like disk space, RAM, backup and restore option, auto upgrade feature etc.
If you are a beginner, then start slowly with a basic package (shared hosting plan). If traffic increases, then you can upscale to a managed hosting plan with the same service provider or change the hosting provider altogether in case there is no managed hosting available with your first host.